Jan 19, 2020
We are excited to introduce you to Uli Fluhme. He is a race director and clean sport advocate in the sport of cycling, and his story is a fascinating one.
Uli grew up competing in the world of European cycling where he was on a team that would send athletes to the Olympics. While Uli himself says that "he wasn't good enough for them to waste the drugs on him," he saw firsthand the impact performance enhancing drugs had on the sport and how it affected the lives of his friends.
These experiences shaped him as an athlete and now as an advocate for clean sport. After a detour as a lawyer on Wall Street, he is back in the sport as a race director and now using his platform to take a stand.
Chris and Shanna talk to Uli about the culture in cycling and how it's changed (or not) in the last 3 decades. We discuss his race and the unique drug testing protocol he has implemented which includes not only out-of-competition testing but also lifetime bans for those busted through the process.
In addition, we get his insight on what more can be done by governing bodies to promote clean sport and how we as fans can get involved. Uli is an unsung hero in the fight for clean sport and an amazing example of how we can all have impact if we just stand up for what's right in the world that we can touch.